Roadside Assistance Plans: P.J. Miller Interviewed by NextAdvisor on What You Should Know Before You Get One — Wallace & Turner Insurance

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Roadside Assistance Plans: P.J. Miller Interviewed by NextAdvisor on What You Should Know Before You Get One

P.J. Miller

P.J. Miller

Roadside assistance is one of those things that’s easy not to think about — until you’re stuck on the side of the road somewhere or your car won’t start. It’s different from your car insurance coverage because it provides relief for a temporary situation when your car is undrivable. It is usually much less expensive than your annual auto insurance premiums, or possibly without any additional cost to you.

If you drive a newer car, review the manufacturer’s roadside assistance plan first, since it’s likely included at no additional cost. “Check what benefits your new car includes, then compare to others,” commented partner P.J. Miller.

Additionally, most insurance carriers offer or include roadside assistance plans with your auto insurance coverage. But don’t assume your roadside assistance plan is tied to a large network of service providers simply because you receive it through your insurance carrier. Some carriers use the reimbursement model, which means you’d have to pay out of pocket if the need arises.

Continue reading the full article to learn more about roadside assistance plan options.

Questions about roadside assistance plans and car insurance coverage? Contact Wallace & Turner at (937) 324-8492 in Springfield, (937) 652-8492 in Urbana, or