Even with a learner’s permit, you are required to have car insurance in most states. Typically, a learner's permit driver can be added to a household member's existing policy, but they may need to purchase their own policy. In an interview with U.S. News & World Report, Producer Deece Catanzaro explained the factors that determine how much car insurance a permit driver needs and coverage costs.
A car insurance policy must meet state minimum liability insurance requirements; however, a permit driver may consider purchasing more than the minimum required.
“Given the rising costs of medical care and emergency services, it’s advisable to carry higher [than the minimum] limits,” Deece commented. “For example, a care flight can cost around $30,000, which can quickly exceed a $25,000 per-person limit, leaving additional expenses to be paid out of pocket – potentially leading to financial strain or bankruptcy for many individuals.”
The exact cost of coverage for a driver with a learner’s permit will depend on the driver’s age, permanent residence, type of car and more.
“There are a lot of factors that go into setting the rate,” Catanzaro said. “However, if all other things are equal, if a person with the same driving record and insurance score from the same city elects to have the same policy limits, the permit driver will likely pay a higher premium than the licensed driver."
Read the full article here.
Questions about adding a permit driver to your policy or obtaining separate coverage? Contact Wallace & Turner at 937-324-8492 or text us 937-918-7632.