Wallace & Turner Sponsors Clark County Fair 2021

Wallace & Turner served as a sponsor of the Clark County Fair which ran from July 23 - 30, 2021, located at 4401 South Charleston Pike, Springfield, OH 45502. Events included Junior and Senior shows, outstanding food including the famous grilled pork chops, and a 25 ride midway. This year’s theme was All American Flair!

Wallace & Turner Sponsors Champaign County Chamber 2021 Annual Golf Outing

Wallace & Turner served as a hole sponsor for the Champaign County Chamber Annual Golf Outing on June 23rd at the Urbana Country Club. Producer Ben Galbreath played with a foursome and the team shot a 64.

The Champaign County Chamber of Commerce advances the business and community interests of Champaign County and its trade area.

Restorative Day of Art & Picnic with WellSpring

Wallace & Turner hosted a picnic lunch for WellSpring, following the organization’s Restorative Day of Art at the Springfield Museum of Art. WellSpring is a a private rehabilitation facility located in Springfield, Ohio, specializing in the treatment of addiction and mental health.

Wallace & Turner Sponsors Shop Urbana - June Second Saturdays

In support of local businesses in downtown Urbana, Ohio, Wallace & Turner is serving as the sponsor for June Second Saturdays. The event takes place now through October 2021 with extended hours for shopping and dining, entertainment, food trucks and more!

Learn more here.

Wallace & Turner Returns as Sponsor for Happy Half Marathon 2021

Wallace & Turner is thrilled to once again sponsor the Happy Half Marathon on August 14, 2021 in Springfield, Ohio at a brand new course that starts and ends in historic Downtown Springfield. We hope to defend our victory as 2019 Water Table Competition Champions!

The idea for the Happy Half comes from family members running the 13.1 mile course from Springfield to Yellow Springs to train for a full-marathon in which they would be raising money to help cover the cost of cancer treatment for Mike Maloney, father of Co-Director Alex Maloney. The first official Happy Half Marathon was held in 2012. The race brings together runners from all over to support the cause and gives them a chance to achieve their fitness goals. Proceeds benefit Mercy Health Springfield Cancer Center.

Register here.


Wallace & Turner Co-Hosts Food Truck Thursday with Real Estate II

Ben Galbreath - Food Truck Thursday

Wallace & Turner partnered with Real Estate II to kick off the first Food Truck Thursday of 2021, held on April 8th. The community gathered for tasty food from Rudy’s Smokehouse and a celebration with Real Estate II to announce their new ownership and partners, Lisa Smedley, Ryan King, Lori and Al Fulk.

Producer Ben Galbreath spoke about WT and Real Estate II’s recent sponsorship of the Clark County Solid Waste District Adopt-A-Drop location at 525 East Home Road in Springfield. The “Operation Adopt-A-Drop” program invites residents or groups to become stewards of the county’s recycling sites, and is aimed at creating a pleasant recycling experience by having volunteers clean up those sites.

Donations were collected at Food Truck Thursday in support of Keep Clark County Beautiful.

View the Real Estate II ribbon-cutting ceremony here.

Wallace & Turner Sponsors New Carlisle Farmers Market

Wallace & Turner is serving as a Leadership Sponsor for the New Carlisle Farmers Market throughout the summer and into the fall to help provide the community with local healthy foods, baked goods, arts, and crafts. The Farmers Market will be open Saturdays from 10am to 2pm, beginning June 19 thru October 16.


Empty Bowls Virtual Fundraiser – Wallace & Turner Sponsors Second Harvest Food Bank Event to Help Fight Hunger

The Second Harvest Food Bank of Clark, Champaign and Logan Counties annual Empty Bowls fundraiser is going virtual! From September 24th - October 1st, the online store will offer beautifully crafted individual and sets of bowls, an opportunity to donate and raffle tickets with the chance to win a really great monthly subscription box. Wallace & Turner is proud to sponsor this event to help fight food insecurities in our community.

SHOP HERE: https://www.theshfb.org/shop

Empty Bowls Fundraiser

Springfield Arts Council “Lawn Chair Lounge” – Wallace & Turner Sponsors NATURALLY 7 Concert

In lieu of the annual in-person Summer Arts Festival, Springfield Arts Council hosted a series of virtual events to enjoy online throughout the summer, dubbed “Summer Arts Festival’s Lawn Chair Lounge.” Wallace & Turner served as a sponsor of the final installment of “Lawn Chair Lounge” with a concert starring the talented NATURALLY 7, bringing their remarkable music to living rooms and patios.

World-renowned NATURALLY 7 guest-starred on three world tours with Michael Buble, a world tour with Coldplay, and won Best Vocal Group on CBS-TV’s prime time World’s Best with James Corden. Performing a mix of pop, rock, and R&B tunes, they stunningly recreate the sound of a full band using just their voices! More than a tightly orchestrated collection of great singers, they transform their voices into actual human instruments, effortlessly producing music of any genre. Their vocal choreography is so perfectly interwoven that they compelled the musical maestro himself, Quincy Jones, to declare that “NATURALLY 7 is the future of vocal music!!” 

Watch the concert here and catch cameos by partners Patrick Field and P.J. Miller!

With the cancellation of the 2020 Summer Arts Festival due to COVID-19, the Springfield Arts Council may experience a meaningful, financial challenge as an organization, and needs your support now more than ever. Please consider making a gift to the Springfield Arts Council.  

Virtual "Best Ball" Golf Tournament - Wallace & Turner Sponsors Junior Achievement Mad River Event to Support Students

Wallace & Turner was a proud sponsor of the Junior Achievement Mad River Virtual "Best Ball" Golf Tournament, which took place from June 1 - 15, 2020. Foursomes selected a date to play at Reid Park Golf Course and at the end of the round, submitted their scores. The virtual golf tournament raised money in support of Junior Achievement’s mission of inspiring and preparing young people to succeed in a global economy.

Junior Achievement Mad River Gold Tournament

Wallace & Turner Sponsors Catholic Central’s Emerald Evening 2020

For more than 25 years, Catholic Central has hosted the Emerald Evening as an avenue for family, friends and alumni of Catholic Central to act as stewards and provide a fun way to contribute back to the heritage that has helped to make its students who and what they are today. The event includes a cocktail hour, dinner, raffles, and live and silent auctions. Proceeds go to scholarships and to improvements that advance student learning and development.

Wallace & Turner is a sponsor of Emerald Evening 2020, being held Saturday, March 28, 2020 from 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM in the Pavlatos Grand Hall of the Hollenbeck Bayley Conference Center at 275 South Limestone Street in Springfield, Ohio.

Tickets are $100 per person and $50 for graduates from the class of 2006 or later. Purchase tickets here.

Be sure to check the site starting on March 13th to preview auction items and March 20th to bid on auction items.

Emerald Evening

Myles Trempe Fundraises for Champaign County Arts Council "Bad Art by Good People"

Congratulations to the top three winners of the Champaign County Arts Council "Bad Art by Good People" competition: Josh Jacobs, Bev Titus and Myles Trempe! The Bad Art by Good People fundraiser features non-artist celebrities competing to create a work of art and campaigning for the public's votes for their artwork. Wallace & Turner was a sponsor of the ninth annual event, held on February 28, 2020 at the BrownRidge Hall VFW in Urbana, Ohio. 

Thank you to everyone who voted and came out to support. View additional event photos here.

About the Champaign County Arts Council

The Champaign County Arts Council brings to the county professionals in every arts discipline, including but not limited to, the visual arts, music, literature, theater, dance, architecture, and specialties in folk, ethnic and minority arts. It arranges concerts, performances, workshops, classes and exhibits for the public including seniors, persons with disabilities and the economically disadvantaged. It develops special school and summer programming for our children, a major focus since its founding.

The Arts Council encourages local artists in all fields, underwrites arts events for community festivals and celebrations, and provides incentives and recognition for arts achievement. Additionally, it offers arts management, research and technical help and serves as a clearinghouse for arts information and as a meeting place for community arts planning.

Eliminating Food Insecurity – Wallace & Turner Sponsors Second Harvest Food Bank Champaign County Empty Bowls Fundraiser

Wallace & Turner was a proud sponsor of the Second Harvest Food Bank Champaign County Empty Bowls event on February 27, 2020 hosted at Urbana University. More than 350 people in attendance helped raise over $16,500 in support of the organization’s mission to eliminate food insecurities in Clark, Champaign and Logan Counties, Ohio.

About Empty Bowls

The Second Harvest Food Bank Empty Bowl events raise money locally to address food insecurity locally. Local artisans (Scott Dooley, Matt Johnson, Sandy Winter, Bruce Grimes, Thelma Matthews and The Cracked Pot Studio potters) donate handmade bowls, local school art departments (Wittenberg, Springfield High School, Graham Local Middle School, and Bellefontaine High School) have their students create and donate bowls. Local restaurants and bakeries donate gallons of soups and hundreds of loaves of bread to these. Hundreds of people volunteer on event nights and hundreds of people show up to enjoy great food and fellowship. 

About Second Harvest Food Bank of Clark, Champaign and Logan Counties

Second Harvest Food Bank collects, stores, and distributes consumable surplus food. The organization operates out of a 62,000 square foot warehouse, serving well over 75 non-profit member agencies in Clark, Champaign and Logan Counties. These agencies feed over 79,000 hungry families yearly. In 2012, over 2.8 million meals were served to over 370,000 men, women and children across the three-county service area. Approximately 1,200 seniors were served monthly. Second Harvest Food Bank is a member of Feeding America, who provides its members a national, recognizable branding, training, sustainability, and additional national product opportunities.


Myles Trempe Serves as Celebrity Bartender for Springfield Arts Council Fundraiser

Producer Myles Trempe served as a “celebrity bartender” to raise funds in support of the Summer Arts Festival, Arts in Education and other programs of the Springfield Arts Council. The fundraiser was held on February 18, 2020 at O’Conners Irish Pub. Myles is currently a board member for the Springfield Arts Council.

The Springfield Arts Council is recognized for leading the citizens of Springfield, Clark County and the region to an enhanced appreciation of the performing arts. The youth, young adults, diverse, and underserved populations of the community are also active participants and supporters of the performing arts and regularly attend events. Since 1967, The Springfield Arts Council has presented the annual "Summer Arts Festival," providing admission-free concerts, theater, and entertainment experiences at the Turner Pavilion in Veterans Park Amphitheater in downtown Springfield, Ohio. “Always Fun, Always Free!,” the Summer Arts Festival is a treasured tradition in the community, helping to fulfill the Springfield Arts Council’s mission “...to build a better community by sharing the performing arts with all citizens of Springfield, Clark County, and the region.”

Myles Trempe's "Bad Art" Featured in Urbana Daily Citizen

Myles Trempe Bad Art by Good People

Producer Myles Trempe was featured in the Urbana Daily Citizen article “Trempe Spins His ‘Bad Art’” to promote the 9th annual Bad Art by Good People fundraiser, presented by the Champaign County Arts Council. The competition features non-artist celebrities creating works of art and campaigning for the public’s votes for their artwork.

About his artwork, Trempe said, “I’d call it a self-portrait with a ‘spin’ on the head.” The public can vote for their favorite artwork using PayPal on the Arts Council’s website, www.champaigncountyartscouncil.org. Votes can also be cast with cash, check or credit card at the Arts Council, 119 Miami St., Urbana. The office is open Tuesday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Dinner Auction on February 28, 2020

A limited number of tickets are available for the dinner and auction, which will be held at 6 p.m. on Friday, February 28, 2020 at the VFW hall, 220 East Court St. Tickets are $25 and include a catered dinner and dessert provided by “In Good Taste Catering.” The “Bad Art” will be auctioned after dinner. All proceeds will benefit the Arts Council. Tickets are for sale at the Arts Council’s office and online at the Arts Council’s website.

Wallace & Turner is a Silver Sponsor of the event.

Read the full article here.

Slice of Springfield 2020 Benefiting National Trail Parks and Recreation District

Congratulations to the 2020 Slice of Springfield winners: The Hickory Inn - 1st place; Station 1 - 2nd place; All Inn Diner - 3rd place! Wallace & Turner served as a Premier Sponsor of the event on February 6th at Mother Stewart’s Brewing, benefiting our wonderful local park system operated by National Trail Parks and Recreation District. Thank you to all of the sponsors, pizza vendors and event participants for making this a fun evening. We can’t wait until next year!

Vote Now! 2020 Bad Art by Good People

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The Champaign County Arts Council “Bad Art by Good People” fundraiser features non-artist celebrities competing to create a work of art and campaigning for the public's votes for their artwork. Producer Myles Trempe contributed a painting to the competition and Wallace & Turner is serving as a sponsor of the event.

The ninth annual event will be held 6-10 pm on February 28, 2020 at VFW BrownRidge Hall. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased below or at the CCAC office.


VOTE HERE. (You may also vote at the CCAC office: 119 Miami St., Urbana, OH 43078)   


The Champaign County Arts Council brings to the county professionals in every arts discipline, including but not limited to, the visual arts, music, literature, theater, dance, architecture, and specialties in folk, ethnic and minority arts. It arranges concerts, performances, workshops, classes and exhibits for the public including seniors, persons with disabilities and the economically disadvantaged. It develops special school and summer programming for our children, a major focus since its founding.

The organization encourages local artists in all fields, underwrites arts events for community festivals and celebrations, and provides incentives and recognition for arts achievement. It also offers arts management, research and technical help and serves as a clearinghouse for arts information and as a meeting place for community arts planning.

Wallace & Turner Sponsors Slice of Springfield 2020 Fundraiser

Who makes the best pizza in Clark County? Find out at the Slice of Springfield on Thursday, February 6, 2020 from 4:30-7:00 pm at Mother Stewart's Brewery. Wallace & Turner is sponsoring this event which will include sampling pizza from up to eight area pizza shops and voting for your favorite AND raising money for a great cause! The Slice of Springfield fundraiser will donate 100% of proceeds from tickets to help support National Trail Parks and Recreation.

Your $25 ticket includes at least eight squares of pizza and a free drink (soft drink, beer or wine). Tickets purchased through Eventbrite on or before January 24 will receive an additional free drink! Youth tickets (12 & under) will be available for a discounted rate at the door.

Purchase tickets here.

Wallace & Turner Proudly Supports the 2020 Springfield Firefighters Ball

Join local firefighters as we celebrate another year of safety and service. On Saturday, February 15, 2020, the Springfield Professional Firefighters Association will sponsor The Firefighters Ball. Bringing back The Firefighters Ball after more than 35 years, it has been an overwhelming success. Wallace & Turner is proud to be a sponsor of the event.

The Firefighters Ball is being held at the Hollenbeck Bayley Conference Center and will include dinner, entertainment by Cleveland Keys Dueling Pianos, DJ Chill and Not So Loud Silent Party, Games of Chance for prizes, and a cash bar all evening. All proceeds from this event will go to local charities and organizations.

Click here to purchase your tickets for the 2020 Springfield Firefighters Ball.

2020 Springfield Firefighters Ball