Wallace & Turner Insurance

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Sewer Backup Risks During the Holidays

Myles Trempe - Producer

Sewer backups are a common and often costly problem during the holiday season. Contributing factors include overloading drains with food debris (especially leftover grease) or excessive use of the plumbing system by visiting guests. In addition, certain regions are entering rainy season as the dry, sunny months of September through early November have come to a close—an increased risk for sewer backups or sump pump failures.

Sewer backups can occur for a variety of reasons, including clogged pipes, heavy rainfall, or faulty drainage systems. During the holidays, the additional strain on plumbing systems can also contribute to these issues. 

Sewer backup is typically defined as water that backs up or overflows from a sewer, drain, or sump pump. If this coverage isn’t included in your policy, you may find yourself without protection when a sewer backup occurs.

Water Backup Insurance

Water backup insurance can help cover the costs of repairing damage to your home caused by sewer, septic, or drain backups. It can also pay to replace damaged property, such as flooring, furniture, and personal items. This coverage is typically purchased as an endorsement to your existing policy, often in increments of $5,000. Homeowners with finished basements face the greatest risk and may want to consider higher coverage limits to ensure adequate protection.

Questions about water backup insurance? Contact Wallace & Turner at 937-324-8492 or info@wtins.com.