Wallace & Turner Insurance

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Ohio Insurance Agents Association Recognizes Wallace & Turner with Community Service Award

Ohio Insurance Agents Association (OIA) recognized Wallace & Turner as the recipient of the Community Service Award 2024. The award honors an independent insurance agent or agency that has provided extraordinary service within their community. This is defined by demonstrating commitment to their local neighbors by going above and beyond in volunteering time and enthusiasm to causes close to their heart.

OIA acknowledged Wallace & Turner for living by the agency motto "Take care of the community, and they'll take care of you” by expanding our impact across education, hunger relief, the arts and environmental stewardship. Some examples of this include Wallace & Turner’s longtime support of Second Harvest Food Bank of Clark, Champaign & Logan Counties through grants and events like the Empty Bowls fundraiser; backing initiatives such as Clark State Community College’s Champaign City Scholars program and Catholic Central School’s Emerald Evening Auction, helping to raise over $7 million for school expansions.

Each year, the recipient of the Community Service Award selects a charity to receive a donation in the amount of $2,500 from OIA on their behalf. Wallace & Turner selected Project Woman, a nationally accredited non-profit domestic violence and crisis center in Springfield, Ohio to receive that donation.